Preparing the Technical Envelope (Percentage Weight)
Note The following example has been set up to show how to apply percentage weights to each question in the Technical Envelope, to learn how to apply Absolute scoring, refer to the topic Preparing the Technical Envelope (Absolute).
Once the Qualification Envelope has been set up, you can move on to the technical envelope. The technical envelope can be expanded to include additional sections to form the Desirable Requirements. This allows the Supplier to respond to each criterion and allows the evaluation panel to score each criterion.
You can choose to create one section that contains the desirable criteria or you can create a section for each criterion and add questions for each sub-criteria. In the example below, there is one section with four questions.
Click Response Envelopes and select Technical Envelope.
Click Edit.
Click the ... button to the right of the section heading.
Click Select Content to Remove.
Tick the questions to be removed and click Delete.
Note Remove any sections or questions that are not required to evaluate the technical envelope.
Click the ... button to the right of the section heading.
Click Edit Section to change the Section Title.
Enter a new Section Title and click Save.
Click Add Question to create a question.
Select Text for the question type and click Create.
Enter the Question.
Provide a Description of the question.
Select Yes or No to make the question Mandatory for the supplier.
Enter any Scoring Instructions if required.
Select Yes or No to Make Suggested Score Mandatory for the evaluator to score.
Set Suggested Score Defined by Scoring Grade to Yes.
Select the Scoring Grade from the dropdown.
Tip Click the View icon to display the Scoring Grade Options at the bottom of the screen.
Click Save
Repeat steps 9-18 to add more questions to the Section.
Adding Weightings
You will need to apply the weightings to the Technical Envelope as specified in your evaluation plan.
To add weightings to the Technical Envelope:
Scroll to the top of the Technical Envelope screen.
Click the ... button.
Click Edit Weights.
Tick the box to the right of the Section Weight field to lock the weighting.
Enter the required weighting for each question and tick the boxes to lock the weighting.
Click Save.
Click Save to complete the set up for the Technical Envelope.
Note Follow the link to access the instructions for Preparing the Commercial Envelope.